
Keighley Neighbourhood Plan

Welcome to Keighley’s Neighbourhood Plan webpage. Here, you will be able to find all information relating to the development of the Neighbourhood Plan for Keighley.

The Steering Group is made up of Councillors and residents from the keighley Parish Area.

Since commencing its work in November 2023, the Steering Group has undertaken two public consultations on what the key themes the plan should focus on.

In October and November 2023, the Steering Group held a series of workshops across Keighley that helped identify the key themes the plan should be focussed on. The themes initially consulted on were:

  • Environment
  • Housing Mix
  • Town Centre
  • Transport & Connections
  • Built Heritage
  • Employment Opportunities

The next stage of the consultation process was to gather feedback on the key themes and ask if there are any other areas the plan should focus on. In early March 2024, every household in Keighley received an information leaflet about the key themes and with information on Neighbourhood Plans. Residents had the chance to provide their feedback via an online survey.

Hundreds of responses were received in response to the consultation. This feedback has influenced the refining of the themes the plan will focus on:

  • To protect local heritage.
  • To support the development of a suitable range and type of housing that helps to meet the needs of Keighley’s diverse community.
  • To protect and enhance community facilities.
  • To protect local green spaces.
  • To help maintain the vitality and viability of Keighley town centre and the village centres.
  • To promote sustainable transport.
  • To support the development of more and wider access to economic opportunities.

The next stage of work will see the Steering Group start to identify planning policies including:

  1. To identify a local heritage list.
  2. To engage technical Support to commission a Housing Needs Assessment.
  3. To identify a list of community facilities to be protected.
  4. To identify local green spaces for protection.

Upon completion next stage, the Steering Group hope to hold a consultation on the outlined policies in the autumn of 2024.

If you want more information or would be interested in joining the Steering Group please contact the Town Clerk, Joe Cooney, [email protected], 01535 872126, Civic Centre, North Street, Keighley, BD21 3RZ.

For more information on Neighbourhood Planning, you can visit https://neighbourhoodplanning.org/ You can also find information on Keighley’s plan and other plans in the Bradford District by visiting https://www.bradford.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/planning-policy/neighbourhood-areas/?Folder=Keighley

Neighbourhood Plan FAQs

Steering Group Membership

The current Steering Group membership consists of the following representatives:

If you’re interested in joining the Steering Group please contact the Town Clerk, Joe Cooney, [email protected], by phone 01535 872126 or by calling into, Civic Centre, North Street, Keighley, BD21 3RZ

Cllr Andrew Judson Allan Clark Ashley Forsyth June Forsyth
Barbara Archer Jane Lee Cllr Martin Crangle Jane Gibbon
Ashley Elloitt Cllr Paul Godwin Joyce Newton Chris Graham
Mike McColgan Cllr Peter Corkindale Cllr Russell Brown




Neighbourhood Plan

Tuesday July 25th, 2023

Neighbourhood Plan

Tuesday September 19th, 2023

Minutes not yet available

Neighbourhood Plan

Thursday October 5th, 2023

Minutes not yet available

Neighbourhood Plan

Tuesday January 30th, 2024

Neighbourhood Plan

Tuesday March 12th, 2024

Neighbourhood Plan

Tuesday May 21st, 2024

Minutes not yet available

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