
Keighley BID

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) is a public-private partnership in which businesses within a defined area of the town pay an additional levy to fund improvements in that area, for example improving security or cleaning.

Keighley BiD will come into effect 1 June 2024 until November 2028.

BIDs are designed for larger businesses (such as supermarkets) to invest more than smaller ones and all business sectors benefit from the improvements. The average daily cost for a small or medium sized businesses in Keighley will be 99p per day.

All premises with a rateable value below £8,000 are exempt for the first 18 months of the BID the BID levy will be 1.75% of the rateable value, with a small 0.05 annual increase from the 1 December 2025 to maintain the BID’s annual investment during its lifetime.

Keighley Bid Map

Keighley BID area map


The overall aim of Keighley BID is to develop Keighley town centre into a thriving destination, that delivers a vibrant, safe and clean experience for consumers and a prosperous environment for businesses and visitor alike.

The three key themes of the Keighley Bid are:

A promoted and more vibrant Keighley

  • Discover Keighley Website – Promotion of offers from local businesses, online listing of events and town centre businesses with links to social media platforms that create a clear, consistent positive narrative for Keighley town centre.
  • Discover Keighley social media channels to engage 200,000+ consumers – Social and print media will be used to promote the town centre and drive engagement with consumers 24/7, attracting consumers to the Discover Keighley Website, promoting town centre businesses, events and offers.
  • Shop Local Keighley Independents Campaign – This dedicated campaign will promote the amazing independent businesses that operate out of Keighley, creating a unique offer and experience for consumers.
  • Keighley Food and Drink Guide.
  • Free Business Photography for BID members – BID members will have the opportunity to access free professional business photography to ensure your business and the BID has an up-to-date library stock of quality images.
  • High impact seasonal events to attract more consumers and visitors, covering Christmas, Easter and Summer.
  • Investment in new events and festivals including City of Culture 2025; food and drink markets / festivals; music, film and art events.
  • New investment to enhance the town’s Christmas experience for consumers.
  • Development of strategic partnerships with key tourist attractions to gain maximum benefit and encourage linked visits with increased consumer dwell time in Keighley town centre.

Safer, Cleaner and Greener Keighley

  • Investment into an enhanced and more expansive radio network to connect businesses with duty police, warden’s services and CCTV control.
  • Free Radio network handset for BID members.
  • Improved sharing of offender information.
  • Investment to tackle anti-social behaviour and the root causes of business crime.
  • Improving the presentation of vacant units e.g. through the use of vinyl wraps.
  • New banners and signage to lift the look and feel of the town centre.
  • Investing in new Discover Keighley branding and signage in and around the town centre.
  • Gateway features and improved waymarking.


Supported Keighley Business Community

  • Keeping businesses informed and up to date about developments and business news in Keighley.
  • Sign posting companies to support, advice and information to resolve business issues.
  • Working to tackle barriers to growth.
  • Finding opportunities for training and upskilling employees in the BID area.
  • Keeping businesses informed and up to date about developments and business news in Keighley.
  • One-stop shop for BID paying businesses to refer problems and opportunities.
  • Finding opportunities for training and upskilling employees in the BID area.
  • Access to Business Grants.
  • The BID will work to secure new grant schemes to support investment into businesses to deliver cost savings and reduced overheads.
  • Expert Support to lower business costs.
  • Free cost saving consultancy support and advice for BID members to lower the costs.
  • The Keighley BID will wherever possible invest BID levy funds with Keighley based suppliers, with a priority to BID levy paying companies.

The Business Improvement District will be governed and directed by the Keighley BID Board. The Keighley BID Board will be formed from Directors of the BID company,

who will be voluntary representatives of BID levy paying businesses and organisations from across the Business Improvement District area.

Full information about the BID and regular updates can be found at www.keighleybid.com