Our main objective is to assist and facilitate projects that reach, engage and support as many Keighley young people as possible and provide better life chances for our young people.
The projects, ideas, inception, development and delivery must be young person/s led (between 11-18 years old), whilst being supported by recognised organisations. The Town Council will prioritise the following areas:
- Funding initiatives that tackle crime and anti-social behaviour
- Funding groups that help and support our young people
- Financially assisting organisations to provide Youth Festivals and opportunities
- Increasing young peoples involvement in the democratic process
- Financially assist services that meet the needs of our vulnerable young people
- Funding initiatives that assist young people gaining employment, education and training
- Funding to improve access and/or activities for young people with disabilities/impairments.
- Activities that align with or help to achieve objectives contained in Keighley Vision 2023-2027.
Organisations to be considered for support
Applications are invited from voluntary and community groups for work that specifically targets the needs of young people in Keighley.
These are organisations are required to be the Accountable Body for any funding allocated to the proposal submitted b the young person.
Types of financial assistance considered
- Specific projects
- Purchase of equipment.
- Funding towards the facilitation of groups and youth programmes
- Funding towards initiatives that tackle anti-social behaviour
- Assistance in kind, such as use of rooms at a reduced or free rent, will also be considered within the terms of this policy.
Supporting Documentation Required
To ensure that fair and proper consideration can be given to all requests, the Council requires the following items to be submitted as part of the grant process.
- A completed application form
- The most recent set of accounts or a copy of the latest bank statement
- Any additional information the organisation considerers would support its application
- Constitution or aims and objectives
- Safeguarding policy
If the organisation is a new entity with no accounts available, it must provide a business plan, stating the aims and objectives along with a financial projection for at least the current financial year.
Application Deadlines
Friday 9 August 2024
Friday 6 September 2024
Friday 15 November 2024
Friday 17 January 2025
Friday 14 February 2025
General Conditions
- Organisations are, normally, restricted to one grant application per year.
- Grants are intended for funding and financial assistance for Keighley residents, or initiatives which benefit Keighley residents.
- Grants should be spent both within the year and for the purpose for which they have been given.
- Grants cannot be made to cover money already spent.
- The grant given in one year does not set a precedent for subsequent years.
- The Council reserves the right to request a copy of invoices and/or other documentation as evidence the expenditure has been incurred.
- Organisations are required to provide the Council with a report as agreed to demonstrate how funds were expended. On completion of the funding period, benefiting organisations will be required to submit a summary of the project including objectives achieved and participation metrics. This is a condition of accepting the funds’.
- If the organisation is dissolved the Council would expect any unspent part of the grant awarded to be reimbursed. Any unspent grant must be reimbursed to the Council – grants must not be re-gifted as charitable donations.
- Organisations will be expected to publicise that grant-aid was provided by the Council using appropriate logos on any promotional material.
- National appeals cannot be considered as they are, regrettably, outside the scope of the Town Council’s grant scheme.
- Where funding has been awarded, a representative of the Council may visit the activity before, during or after the funding period.
- Where a grant has been awarded through this scheme funding may not also be applied for from any other Council grant scheme for the duration of the funding period.
- Where a grant has been approved, attendance at the Community Showcase, held annually by the Town Council will be a condition of the grant award.
Application Form
Download the Keighley's Youth Project Fund Grant Policy and Child Protection & Vulnerable Adult Policy
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