
Speed Awareness Initiatives

Welcome to the Keighley Town Council’s Speed Awareness Page! Our commitment to road safety is reflected in our efforts to address speeding issues within our community. Here’s how you can get involved and stay informed:

 Speed Indication Devices (SIDs)

The Town Council has proactively funded the installation of two Speed Indication Devices in strategic locations where speeding concerns have been raised. These devices are not fixed so can be moved across the Parish. They not only serve as visual reminders to motorists but also collect valuable data to aid in traffic management.

Identify Speeding Hotspots

Speeding Survey Questionnaire: We value your input! Over 600 responses have been received through our Speeding Survey Questionnaire, a platform for the public to report incidents of speeding across the town. Your feedback helps us identify hotspots, informing the placement of our Speed Indication Devices. We also share this information with the responsible authorities, Bradford Council and West Yorkshire Neighbourhood Policing Team, to provide evidence for additional measures like community speed watch schemes, speed bumps or increased policing.

Survey Questions:


  1. Road Name: Specify the road where speeding occurs.
  2. Speed Limit: Indicate the speed limit on the identified road.
  3. Timeframe: Report the time when speeding commonly takes place.
  4. Suggestions: Share your thoughts on what measures could help reduce speeding in that location.

Your participation contributes significantly to improving road safety in Keighley.

Current Installations;

For data on the current Speed Indication Device installations, please visit Current Installations to access detailed information and insights.

Your engagement and cooperation are vital in creating safer roads for everyone. Thank you for being an active participant in our community initiatives. Together, we make Keighley a safer place to live and travel.