Application form
Grant application criteria
To be eligible for funding, applicants must have:
- A written governing document (for example, a constitution, memorandum and articles of association, set of rules or trust deed)
- Have at least three members on your management committee/board
- Have a bank or building society account in the name of the organisation
- Be a community, voluntary or charitable organisation, community interest company (CIC) that works within the Keighley Town Council Parish boundary.
- Show evidence of an appropriate safeguarding policy – if you are working with children and young people or vulnerable adults. Where necessary staff, including sessional staff should have the appropriate level of DBS check.
- Show evidence that the service you provide is needed by the community and that it has community support.
- The Town Council operates two grant schemes. The Community Grants Scheme and the Ward Development Funds:
Community Grant Scheme
- Up to £40,000 available in the current financial year
- Grants are considered on a monthly basis by the Finance & Audit Committee Available to eligible groups/organisations
- The Town Council provides grants to support the following aims: –
- To enable local people to participate in voluntary groups and activities
- To help the Town’s voluntary groups to improve their effectiveness.
- To support organisations which meet the needs of people experiencing social exclusion or economic difficulties.
- To ensure there is equality of access and opportunity for all residents of Keighley to the services it provides and funds.
- To improve or enhance the local environment.
- In all its considerations, Keighley Town Council will aim to ensure value for money on behalf of all residents of Keighley.
- At the Council’s discretion, it may consider groups and organisations out of the town providing the service or activity is of direct benefit to any residents in Keighley.
Grants will not be made to:
- Organisations that discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, age, gender, trans-gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, or any disability.
- Private organisations operated as a business to make a profit or surplus.
- “Upward funders”, i.e., local groups whose fund raising is sent to their central HQ for redistribution.
- Organisations who wish to pass on money to other individuals or groups.
- Individuals
- Organisations whose function is primarily undertaken by the health authority or Bradford District Metropolitan Council’s Social Services.
- Political organisations or projects.
- Religious Organisations or organisations whose primary purpose is to preach religious practices.
- Activities that are completely funded from another funding source
- Any expenditure incurred or committed before we confirm our grant
- Loans or interest payments
- General funding for your organisation or others
Grants will not normally be made for ongoing running costs. Where an application is for running costs, the applicant should detail the plans to find future running costs from alternative sources. Where grants for running costs are made, no guarantee of future funding is implied.
What can the grant be used for?·
Funding for a new project, setting up a new group or local forum, this can include costs associated sessional, casual staffing costs required to specifically support the delivery of the aims of the grant application being submitted. (For example, a new trampoline club, would require a qualified coach to oversee its training sessions). For the purposes of this policy contractors and sessional staff are not considered as staff.
- Funding for capital items that will help your organisation e.g., equipment.
- Events, training and/or capacity building.
- The Town Council will only provide funding to assist organisations that are not based in the area, pro-rata for local residents using that service.
The Town Council will normally only consider grant applications for £10,000 or less. In exceptional circumstances where a significant and wide-ranging community benefit are clearly demonstrated in the application form, grants for higher amounts may be considered.
Any application over £5,000 will only be considered if it is no more than 50% of the total project cost and evidence of the match funding is included within the Budget breakdown on the grant application form.
Organisations can only receive one grant award per financial year from the general grant scheme.
The Town Council will only consider an application if accompanied by the required financial and organisational information.
Grants are awarded for one year only and you should not rely on a grant in future years.
The Town Council welcomes application that demonstrate how one-off grant funding will lead to greater self-sufficiency and lessen the need for future applications.
For applications for funds for security measures, applicants should seek the support of the local police or crime reduction officer.
Community grant applications are reviewed by Town Council staff, reporting formally to the Policy & Resources Committee for a decision.
Where requested by the Town Council, grants will only be paid following receipt of appropriate invoices.
You will need to complete an End of Grant Report. Evidence of the use of the full grant amount for the agreed purpose must be provided to the Town Council within 6 months of the funding being transferred. Evidence must include the completed End of Grant Form and may also include receipts, photos, reports. Councillors would welcome an invite to see what was achieved with the funding as part of the report. Should the evidence not be received the Town Council will request the return of the funds.
If awarded a grant, Keighley Town Council will require recognition of the grant. This includes in any press coverage, social media posts, newsletters, etc. The Council would welcome an invitation for the Mayor to visit the project and attend any official opening.
If awarded a grant, you will be REQUIRED to attend the annual Community Showcase organised by Keighley Town Council. Failure to attend the Community Showcase could result in future funding applications being refused.